Master's Degree in Future Processes & Robotisation

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Work-linked training offer - partner in the PF&R Master's programme

Mastère Spécialisé Procédés du Futur & Robotisation

Présentation du Mastère Spécialisé PF&R

En formation continue ou initial, le Mastère Spécialisé Procédés du Futur & Robotisation est une réponse dynamique et innovante à la demande croissante sur le marché de l'industrie aérospatiale et spatiale. Dans un monde en constante évolution, où la technologie joue un rôle essentiel dans l'optimisation des processus et la compétitivité, Compositadour propose, en association avec les acteurs de la formation professionnelle, tout un cursus de formations d’opérateurs, de techniciens et d’ingénieurs sur les procédés de transformation composites, sur l’automatisation et la robotisation des procédés, et sur la fabrication additive métallique. Ce programme de formation se positionne comme un acteur incontournable pour former la prochaine génération d'experts en robotique industrielle.

L'un des éléments qui distingue notre Mastère est son réseau de partenariats solides avec de grands groupes de l'industrie aéronautique et spatiale. Ces partenariats permettent à nos étudiants de bénéficier d'une expérience pratique et d'une immersion au cœur de l'industrie dès le début de leur formation. Ils ont ainsi l'opportunité de travailler sur des projets concrets et d'apprendre auprès des leaders du secteur, acquérant ainsi des compétences directement applicables dans le monde professionnel.

En outre, notre Mastère se distingue comme le seul programme spécialisé de ce genre dans le domaine de la robotique en industrie aérospatiale et spatiale. Cette singularité témoigne de notre engagement à combler un vide dans le marché de l'éducation supérieure en offrant une formation de pointe qui répond aux besoins spécifiques de cette industrie en pleine expansion.

Au cours de cette présentation, nous vous invitons à découvrir en détail notre programme, ses objectifs, son corps professoral, et comment il peut vous aider à acquérir les compétences et l'expertise nécessaires pour réussir dans l'industrie aérospatiale et spatiale.

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Find out more about the training course


Attested skills

The course is organised by the Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA) and SIGMA Clermont. It draws on the expertise and resources of the Compositadour and Addimadour industrial platforms.

The degree is awarded jointly by SIGMA Clermont and ESTIA and is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.

For candidates on a professional training contract, a second "CQP Industrial Project Manager" diploma will be awarded jointly (with no additional teaching, costs included in the price of the PF&R Master's degree).

Pedagogical objectives

The aim of this Master's degree is to train multidisciplinary experts capable of meeting the complex challenges of the factory of the future. Our graduates have in-depth knowledge of materials, processes and robotics, which enables them to manage the development, deployment and implementation of advanced manufacturing solutions.

Aware of the quality, cost and lead-time imperatives that characterise modern industry, our graduates are able to guide technological choices and strategic investments upstream of development, thereby making a significant contribution to the growth and competitiveness of their companies.

Job opportunities

The career opportunities offered by the Specialised Masters in Future Processes & Robotisation are vast. Our graduates are sought after by major players in the aeronautics, automotive, space, sport and leisure industries. They can also bring their invaluable expertise to mid-sized companies (ETIs) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) specialising in subcontracting in these strategic sectors.

Whether as project manager, R&D manager or reference expert, our graduates play a key role in driving technological innovation in processes, and are ready to take on increasing responsibilities within their companies, from initial development to managing production teams when processes are optimised.


Entry level :

  • Master's level 2 diploma,
  • Engineering degree,
  • Bachelor's degree with at least 3 years' professional experience (a VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) may be required beforehand)
  • Foreign diploma equivalent to the French diplomas required above.

Profile :

  • Candidates who already have professional experience, who wish to specialise or retrain, and who are available for 12 months.
  • Working professionals wishing to follow the specialised master's programme as part of their continuing education.

Submitting an application

Applications can be submitted on the official ESTIA website

Selection process

Selection process :

  1. Submit your application including your CV and covering letter.
  2. Candidates whose applications are deemed admissible will be invited to an interview with the course coordinators.
  3. Final admission to the Specialised Master's programme is conditional on acceptance into a company to complete the professional thesis (professionalization contract or internship).


Selection procedures :

Application deadline: October 2024.

Calendar 2024/2025


Course duration :

1 year, alternating teaching (420 hours) and industrial thesis.

Start date: 7 October 2024

The course timetable is adapted for vocational training/continuing education and initial training.

The in-company periods allow time for the industrial thesis, which is defended at the end of the year.

Thesis defences :

Thursday 17 October 2025

Graduation jury :

Monday 4 November 2025

Graduation Ceremony :

Saturday 23rd November 2025

Additional information in video format : 


Presentation of Master's PF&R by Pierre Joyot, Head of Education


Presentation of the material ressources for the PF&R Master's, by Patxi Hacala, Head of Master's PF&R


Compositadour : a center dedicated to composite matérials for the aerospace industry